Amazon OpenSearch – Consider Latest Generation r-Instances

Migrate from older r3 OpenSearch instances to r5 instances to achieve better performance, enhanced security features, and reduced monthly expenses. Detailed Explanation Why This Policy Matters Staying current with instance generations is crucial for: Cost Reduction Insights By upgrading from r3 to r5 OpenSearch instances, organizations can realize: Potential Savings Breakdown Let’s compare two instance…

Amazon OpenSearch – Consider Latest Generation Instances for m-Family

Migrate Amazon OpenSearch M3 instances to M5 to achieve better performance, enhanced features, and significant cost savings. Why Upgrading Matters Performance and Cost Advantages Comparative Instance Analysis Instance Type Memory vCPUs Monthly Cost Savings  m3.2xlarge 30 GiB 8 $549 – m5.2xlarge 32 GiB 8 $413 25% Implementation Guide Infrastructure-as-Code Upgrade Example (Terraform) Manual Migration Steps…

Amazon OpenSearch – Consider Latest Generation i-Family Instances

Amazon OpenSearch service users can significantly reduce infrastructure costs by strategically upgrading to the latest generation i-family instances. Switching from i2 to i3 instances offers improved performance and substantial cost savings. Why This Policy Matters Upgrading OpenSearch instances is crucial for: Detailed Cost and Performance Analysis Performance Comparison: i2 vs i3 Instances Instance Type Memory…

Amazon OpenSearch – Consider Latest Generation Instances for c-Family

Upgrade Amazon OpenSearch C-series instances to the latest generation for improved performance and significant cost savings. Why Upgrading OpenSearch Instance Generations Matters Selecting the right instance generation for Amazon OpenSearch can dramatically impact both performance and infrastructure costs. Newer instance generations typically offer: Detailed Cost Analysis and Performance Benefits Concrete Cost Comparison Example A direct…

Amazon RDS – Consider Latest Generation t-Family Instances

Upgrading from t2 to t3 instances in Amazon RDS can deliver up to 30% better CPU performance at the same price point, presenting a compelling opportunity for cost optimization and improved database performance. Why This Policy Matters Performance and Cost Benefits Key Performance Improvements Implementation Guide Identifying Existing t2 Instances To identify t2 instances in…

Amazon RDS – Consider Latest Generation r-Family Instances

Migrate Amazon RDS r-family instances to the latest generation to leverage improved computational efficiency, enhanced memory configurations, and potential cost savings. Detailed Explanation Why This Policy Matters The progression of Amazon RDS r-family instances represents a continuous improvement cycle that directly impacts: Cost Reduction Mechanisms Upgrading to latest generation r-family instances offers multiple cost optimization…

Amazon RDS – Consider Using Latest Generation Instances for m-Family

Staying current with the latest generation of Amazon RDS instances can deliver significant performance improvements and cost savings. By upgrading from older m-series instances to newer generations, organizations can optimize their database infrastructure while reducing overall cloud spending. Why Upgrading RDS Instances Matters The evolution of Amazon RDS instances brings tangible benefits: Detailed Cost and…

Amazon EC2 – Upgrade a1 Instances to c7g

Amazon EC2 a1 instances are approaching end-of-life and require migration to the more advanced c7g instances powered by the latest Graviton processors. Why Upgrading Matters Amazon Web Services (AWS) first introduced a1 instances as their initial Graviton-powered compute offering. However, technology evolves rapidly, and these instances are now outdated. The c7g instances represent a significant…

Amazon EC2 – Consider Upgrading HS1 Instances to D2

Amazon EC2 d2 instances provide superior performance and cost-efficiency compared to older HS1 instances. By upgrading, organizations can significantly reduce infrastructure costs while improving computational capabilities. Detailed Explanation Performance and Cost Benefits D2 instances offer substantial improvements over HS1 instances: Cost Savings Analysis Comparative Instance Example: Key Advantages Implementation Guide Infrastructure-as-Code Example (Terraform) Manual Migration…

Amazon DynamoDB – Consider Using Provisioned Tables

Amazon DynamoDB offers two billing modes: On-Demand and Provisioned. While On-Demand capacity provides flexibility, provisioned capacity can significantly reduce costs for applications with consistent workloads. Why This Policy Matters Cost Optimization Strategies Financial Impact A typical 100GB DynamoDB table with the following characteristics demonstrates significant savings: Cost Comparison: Implementation Guide Infrastructure as Code Example (Terraform)…

Amazon EC2 – Consider Using a Preferred Instance Type

Organizations frequently deploy Amazon EC2 instances without carefully considering the most cost-effective and performance-optimized instance types. This policy ensures that machine types are restricted to meet your organization’s specific requirements, driving both cost efficiency and operational performance. Detailed Explanation Why This Policy Matters Selecting the right EC2 instance type is crucial for: Cost Reduction Potential…

Amazon EC2 – Consider Using Latest Generation Instances for c-Family Instances

Upgrade to the latest generation Amazon EC2 c-family instances to achieve significant performance improvements and cost savings by leveraging more advanced hardware and more efficient pricing models. Why Upgrading Matters Amazon’s EC2 c-family instances have undergone substantial improvements with each generation. The latest instances offer: Cost and Performance Comparison Let’s break down the financial and…